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♥ 羅志祥.


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Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan and CloudImagination.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Had our maths common test...
haix...fail fail fail...
did not know how to do the questions...
think it is going to be me to be the one who failed in the class of 34 students...
practice practice...can't practice if i can't even understand what teacher is talking about right...?
can someone who is really patient and good in maths teach me?haha...doubt so?
Today had fnn lab lesson..
did our research...
didn't really did what teacher asked ask to...the 3 of us were so tired these few weeks...
been studying tests, doing the fnn courswork...
almost every night we are sleeping at 12-1 or even later...
maybe thats the life in sec 5...
having chinese common test on Friday..
hope i can do well?
at least 2?my usual score and not below...haix...
yunmin's thumbdrive spoilt...
she was quite upset about it...as it costed 29...
and all her work are saved inside it..
well..girl..cheer up ok...
i will help u to retype it?so dun worry too much about it..okies..!

10:59 PM

Monday, February 20, 2006

After so many days never post..
today finally found the time to post...
been kind of busy in school work and fnn coursework..
my fnn coursework is also part of the stress..
have to get it done porperly and well..
aimed for a grade 3 for my fnn...
hope i can get it..can i?
i think i'll just have to work real hard...
tough year indeed...

we had our crosscountry on the 10 of feb 06...
we had school until around 10+?
then we went to yew tee to had our meal->lunch or breakfast or brunch?
anyway...after we finishing eating we went to orchard...before that kenneth asked to meet us...we were agreeable so we agree...
we took the train to orchard and walked to heeren...
walked around the building when we went to HMV we saw them...Kenneth,Parry and Alwyn...
After that where we went?oh...
AFter eating it was raining heavily outside...
but we decided to go to Far East plaza...
"SO NEAR''...walked quite far...
finially we reached...walked around FEP...
after that we went to take a group neoprint...
persuaded siyan to take but she DIDNT want...but in the end we still took...
it was kinda of funny...??
we decorated the picture...
we drew all kinds of things on it...
anyway...it looked quite ok...i think so??
we were LATE for our crosscountry...
we were supposed to reach MRR at 3.15?
but we reached there at around going to 4pm...
luckily...they have just started...
so we walked behide the all groups of school guys..
these year's crosscountry was kind of fun..and the walking time passed quite fast...
not like the past...
we were looking around at the sceneary of the forest..haha..
after that we were walking in the rain back to take a bus back...
reached home around 6+?
ya....tink i write until here...
people later say i am long winded...=(
would try to update when i can...v(",)

9:43 PM

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

LOng time since i last posted...
just because of somethings..
dun wish to talk about it...
many many things happened during this few months and from the last post i posted...
will be posting if i can...maybe a long one maybe a short one...
maybe just some rubbish..
well...if you dun like me or wat...
please dun come here and look at my blog...
i just want to lead the life that normal people life becos i am also one...

6:15 PM